Information on the processing of personal data 

This information is provided pursuant to the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/2003) and the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) 

It relates exclusively to the site https: // and not for other websites, not even accessible via links. 

1. Data controller 

The controller is

Stream Out Srl, with registered office in 38027 - Malè (TN), via Silvestri nr. 30, PIVA 02511370229 



2. Data processed and purpose of processing 

Navigation data. 

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. 

This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. 

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. 

The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site. 

The legal basis is the user's will to browse the site. 

Data provided by the user 

Other personal data (such as e-mail address, name and surname, or other data communicated by the user) can be entered directly and voluntarily by the user and are intended to get in touch with the owner. 

Said data can be processed both in electronic and paper format. 

The legal basis is the consent expressed by the user (in the case of filling in the appropriate form) or (in the case of emails sent or telephone calls made directly by the user without filling in the form) the need to process the requests made. 

Personal data will not be processed for purposes other than those for which they were collected. 

3. Recipients of personal data 

Personal data may be disclosed to third parties - appointed as data processors - for the execution of the purposes of the processing. 

4. Duration of treatment 

The personal navigation data, object of treatment for the aforementioned purposes, will be kept for the time necessary for the execution of the service. 

They may be kept for longer for the defensive needs of the Data Controller. 

The access tracks are kept for 6 months.

5. Transfer to a third country or to an international organization. 

The data provided may be transferred to a third country only in the presence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission. 

6. Profiling 

Personal data are not subjected to automated processes, such as profiling. 

7. Cookies 

Cookies are data that are sent from the website and stored by the Internet browser on the user's computer or other device (for example, tablet or mobile phone). 

In any case, the user can manage, or request the general deactivation or cancellation of cookies, by changing the settings of their Internet browser. 

However, this deactivation may slow down or prevent access to some parts of the site. 


The use of technical cookies, i.e. cookies necessary for the transmission of communications on an electronic communications network or cookies strictly necessary for the supplier to provide the service requested by the customer, allows the safe and efficient use of our site. 

Session cookies may be installed in order to allow access and stay in the reserved area of ​​the portal as an authenticated user. 

Technical cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our domain and are used to allow users to navigate normally and to take advantage of the advanced services available on our website. 

The technical cookies used are divided into session cookies, which are stored exclusively for the duration of the navigation until the browser is closed, and persistent cookies that are saved in the memory of the user's device until their expiration or cancellation by the user. same. 

Our site uses the following technical cookies:cookies 

• Technical navigation or session, used to manage normal navigation and user authentication; 

• Functional technical cookies, used to memorize personalizations chosen by the user, such as, for example, the language; 



The following third party cookies may be installed 

Google Analytics 

This is a web data analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”), which allows to analyze the traffic on the site. For this purpose, Google Analytics uses "cookies", ie text files sent from this site to the visitor's computer. 

The Guarantor has specified that the sites that use third-party analytical cookies are not subject to the obligations and fulfilments provided for by the legislation (notification to the Guarantor in primis) if suitable tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies they use (for example , by masking significant portions of the IP address). 

To this end, we inform you that our site uses the IP address masking method and can use the data received from Google Analytics only in aggregate and anonymous form. 

The owner has also agreed on the amendment anderation data (Google Analytics Data Processing Amendment v20130906) and does not share data with other services. 

The privacy policy of Google Analytics and Google can be found at and 

You can refuse the use of Google Analytics cookies by downloading and installing the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics at the following link: 

Further information to manage or disable cookies can be found here: 

Cookie management in the browser. 

Most browsers allow you to: 

• view the cookies present and delete them individually; 

• block third party cookies; 

• block cookies from particular sites; 

• block the installation of all cookies; 

• delete all cookies when the browser is closed. 

To know how to manage cookies in Firefox, you can visit this page: management 

To know how to manage cookies in Internet Explore, you can visit this page: http: // 

To know how to manage cookies in Google Chrome, you can visit this page. 

As also suggested by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data ( / docweb-display / docweb / 4020961) there are options to navigate without cookies: 

Blocks third-party cookies 

third cookies partyare often required to navigate, so you can reject them by default,through special functions of your browser. 

Enable theoption Do Not Track 

Theoption Do Not Track is present in most of browsers. Websites designed to respect this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to respect this option (discretionary). 

Activate the "anonymous browsing" mode. 

Using this function, you can browse without leaving a trace of the browsing data in the browser. The sites will not remember you, the pages you visit will not be stored in the history and the new cookies will be deleted. 

The anonymous browsing function does not however guarantee anonymity on the Internet, because it only serves not to keep browsing data in the browser, while your browsing data will continue to remain available to website managers and connectivity providers. 

Delete cookies directly 

There are specific functions to do this in all browsers. However, remember that new cookies are downloaded every time you connect to the Internet, so the deletion operation should be performed periodically. If desired, some browsers offer automated systems for the periodic deletion of cookies. 

8. Rights of the interested parties 

The interested party can exercise the following rights: 

1. right of access to his personal data; the right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing that concerns him; 

2. right to object to processing; 

3. right to data portability (law applicable only to data in electronic format), as governed by art. 20 of the GDPR. 

4. in the event that the data processing is based on article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) (consent), or on article 9, paragraph 2, letter a) (consent) of EU regulation 2016/679, lThe interested party has the right to withdraw the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent before the revocation. 

9. Complaint 

The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. 

For further information, you can consult the institutional website of the Privacy Guarantor: 

10. Exercise of rights 

Information regarding these rights and in general requests regarding privacy can be addressed to 

Stream Out Srl, with registered office in 38121 - Trento (TN), via dei Castori nr. 35, VAT number 02511370229 


  • by mail: 

  • by mail: Stream Out Srl, 38121 - Trento (TN), via dei Castori nr. 35 


11. Updates and changes 

This information is subject to changes and updates. We therefore invite you to check this page regularly for changes and updates. 
